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about SeeSew

 2015年は「時間のきものプロジェクト-time dress project 2015-」と題し、四季の時間を写し取った着物を制作しました。
 2016年は「sunlight flag project2016」世界で一つだけの「自分旗」を参加型作品として様々な場所で展開していきます。


 seesew is an artist unit with shunya asami(photographer) and kaori tamura(costume designer).
they make art works, workshop, and create original products. their work is based on cyanotype,
 patternmaking and their creative ideas.
 time dress proect-2015- :in japan, there are 4 seasons and they make kimono pttern  with
shadows of each seasons plants, flowers. this project is continuing.“sunlight flag project -2016-”: work shop style project. visiters can make only one flag with shadows of their special things.

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